Thursday, 16 June 2016

Muhammad Ali

I am the greatest
I am the Prettiest
Muhammad Ali

By Dy Raiss                                                                                            

Muhammad Ali was not born into greatness, nor was it thrust upon
him like it was upon the late Lee Kuan Yew of Singapore, as he
claimed. Ali used every sinew in his body and mind to achieve his
greatness, freedom and equality for all people.

His real opponent were the state, powerful people and
organisations. Ordinary people whether white or coloured were
part of him, a part of his brotherhood of mankind.

Ali the tiger had the grace of a butterfly, the sting of a bee, and the
roar of a lion. His eyes burned like a furnace before, after and at
the Rumble in the Jungle. Outside the ring he was a kind gentle
hulk of a man.

Like Oscar Wilde, Ali believed stone walls do not a prison make.
His heart and brain were to leonine for any prison walls to
contain. He was the tiger come to fulfill William Blake's vision
of a just world.

Even Parkinson's Disease could not defeat indefatigable Ali. He
lived for his boxing, his championship of his people, racial equality
and his religion.

He had the DNA of Thomas Payne, Abe Lincoln and Ghandi to
bring to fruition the Gettysburg speech. De facto he changed the
American Constitution to actually mean all men are born equal,
with equal opportunity to work and prosper for a happy life.

He was colour-blind, he saw neither white nor black. He only saw
justice or injustice.

But his race had been tamed to enslaved like animals. Although
slavery had existed from Biblical times, it had no palce at a time of
enlightenment and freedom since the American Civil War and the
French Revolution.

Ali was an exceptional gifted man, a genius with a perfect body
and a great heart and mind. He called himself the Greatest and the
In Coleridge's word, he had fed on honey and drunk milk of
paradise. His thought flowed like a torrent and his eyes flashed
like a tiger's in the jungle of Malaysia.

In 1960 in Rome he won Olympic Gold Medal for boxing. He
now felt as a national hero of America he could go to places
frequently by white people. He draped himself in the Stars and
Stripes and walked into a white only restaurant only to be thrown
out onto the street with a cry of  'out nigger!'

Enough is enough, Ali said to himself, now I must begin my
crusade for justice and fairness.

He refused to go and fight the Vietnamese for, he said, they were
not his enemies nor had they called him a nigger. He threw his
gold medal into a river as a protest against injustice and unfairness.

The establishment sent him to hell. He was totally disgraced and
dismissed. He could no longer box in any professional match.

He was economically castrated.
Nevertheless his madness, his joy, went on endlessly.

In search of justice and fairness, he had become a follower of
Elijah Muhammad and become a Muslim. He felt at home with
Islam. He felt equal, valuable and valued.

He shattered some of the evil norms of the world. He put the
punch where his mouth was. He punches for himself, black
people and for justice and fairness for all people.

He boxed and shocked US.

'I am the Greatest', he shouted and fought in the footsteps of
Moses, Abe Lincoln, Ghandi and Uncle Ho Chi Minh for Justice
and Freedom.

In the end he shattered the societal norm around him and re-
moulded it nearer his heart's prayer. Proverbially he walked on
water. He boxed, roared and reached the pinnacle of human
achievement. He was the epitome of the American Dream come

President Baraka Obama has a pair of Ali's boxing gloves in the
White House as a regular reminder of Muhammad Ali's greatness.

Ali was not tame at all, he was a ferocious tiger fighting for his
people. He was untameable. There was no chink in his armour.
He was an impregnable fortress.

To achieve justice and fairness for all, he screamed at the
Establishment of his country with uninhibited energy. He wanted
to be seen and heard loud and clear in his fight for his people.

He was born leader with a beautiful body and a beautiful mind.

Despite his crippling Parkinson's Disease, Muhammad Ali lived
happily in his Xanadu, Louisville, his Shangri-La, with his faith and
principles, his loving family and friends including Hilary Clinton
and her husband.

At his funeral in Louisville the entire world gathered together to
celebrate this genius. All Religions alike called blessings on him
for his human and political achievements for the human race.

At the funeral Ali's wife and children spoke with admirable
eloquence and dignity. President Bill Clinton's unstinting eulogy
praised Ali's inclusiveness and his mischievous sense of humour.

It was uplifting to see how far the coloured races had progressed
socially, intellectually and in dignity. Ali had indeed become a
Nelson Mandela, equally with no rancour or racial prejudice.

The blessings and honours would serve his memory and humanity
best if some person or country were to set up Muhammad Ali
Free International University for International Studies such as
International Affairs, International History, Inter-Religion Studies
and International Law - perhaps in Kentucky or London or
Istanbul or South Africa or Malaysia under the auspices of Dato'
Sri Najib bin Tun Razak.

Comparisons are odious, in any case he was incomparable and
unconquerable. He strove with none, for none was his equal. He
had opponents whom he fought, but he had no rivals or equals.
He warmed both hands before the fire of life and departed with
peace in his heart.

He is there looking down on the world listening to the world
singing his praises. One would hope the world will remember his
achievements through blood, sweat and tears to create a better
world for all.

An International Muhammad Ali University somewhere in the
world would make Muhammad Ali and his followers and all good
people of the world so happy, so proud and so secure because the
world will be educated to avoid international and racial conflicts.

The world must remember policeman Martin who taught Ali at the
age of 12 how to box to the top of the world. Great oaks from
little acorns grow.

Ali's legacy: more love, less hate, more generosity, less
selfishness, a great nation is built on great love, not to be
complacent, A human being is neither a slave nor a monster.
Hitch your wagon to the starts and do not be afraid of failure or
greatness, cowards die many times before their death, a man's
colour is only skin deep, only his heart, mind and deeds counts
when he dies. Faith is the guiding star of our lives. The path to
success is strewn with difficulties and problems. try
again and again with a laser-like mind till you success like Robert
the Bruce.

May he rest in peace, may he have joy all his eternal life.

Friday, 10 June 2016

Diana The Queen of Hearts

Enchanting Diana, did your enigmatic smile
Signify your kaleidoscopic world
One may smile and smile
And yet grieve in silence?

You were so beautiful,
So kind and so loving.
You inspired so many people.
Why did you die so young?

We all loved you so.
So did Kate from afar.
She sleeps with your ring on
And embraces George with your ring.

Your story died in a dark foreign tunnel.
Like a tales of Scherazade
Of the Arabian Nights
You wake up with the sun each day.

The people's ocean of grief in a tsunami
Moved the Hanging Garden of Babylon
To Kensington Gardens
And Buckingham Palace.

Your fabled love for Wills and HArry
MAde them so strong and so like you that
When Wills smile
He smiles the way you smiled.

Why did you die so young?
we shall never know
Why did you die so young. Perhaps
To reign as the Queen of Hearts.

Rest blissfully,Princess of the People.

His Royal Highness Sultan Azlan Shah Is No More

My heart sank.
Before me lay a vast desert of emptiness.
Pitch black night descended at noon,
I could see no more nor move nor breathe.

He was my friend,
He was the friend of all.
We shall not see his like again.
He was a destiny maker.
I remember Tuanku:
A debonair sportsman,
A gentle jurist,
An impeccable dresser,
His shoes immaculately polished.
His suits and ties were designed in heaven,
Say Karim and Fariba of Bond Street.
He was a man's man.
He had a rolls-Royce charisma,
He charmed all who met him.
He had charity for all.

His lips puckered mischievously
When uttering a witty or humorous remark,
Always done with a twinkle in his eyes.
His face shone like a diamond when happy.

He loved people, books,
Madam Butterfly at Covent Garden,
The Phantom of the Opera, Evita,
Football, hockey and golf.

He was very fond of
Professor JC Smith of the Theft Act fame,
His teacher at Nottingham,
Often seen with his charming wife in Tuanku's entourage.
Tuanku especially loved his mother and Batu Gajah.

Above all,
Above all he loved Bainun, His Queen, from the first to last,
His children, grand children and great grand children
Very, very much.

May endless rows of yellow roses
Grace his grave and wherever he trod,
May joy and peace be his constant companions.


Happy Fatimah stood entranced by the
Gentle rain brushing her hair,
The butterfly batik fluttering in the breeze,
The jaunty songkok beckoning cheerfully,
Susie Wong's silky cheongsam shimmering
In the red lantern light by the lilypond,
Rani's rainbow saree cascading east and west.

Debonair men clad in chic dinner jackets
All was colour pleasant and peaceful
When the dragonfly kissed the flame of the forest and flashed
A glimpse of paradise,a taste of heaven.

With a dashing dark moustache,
 The cup of nectar in hand,
And a twinkle in his laughing eye,
All is for the best, declared the Happy Prince,
In this best of all possible worlds,
Love to all from Jalur Gemilang.

The snake charmer danced with his snakes
Swaying to their colourful rythms
And to the call to prayer
From mosque, temples and churches.

We are free, We are free Merdeka
Declared the Father of the Nation,
And the people pierced
The silence of the night with thunderous
Merdeka, Merdeka, Great Tuanku, Merdeka.

God gave the land
Barisan the hand of destiny,
For peace and plenty.
And all learnt to tread gently on their dreamland.

Dauntless Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad
Touched by the hand of God
Mighty efforts made
To enrich our days with peace and plenty.
May God walk and talk with him
All the way to his golden 2020 Vision.

Long live the gentle people of Malaysia,
Long live the hibiscus,
The tiger and the pelandok.
Long live timeless Golden Chersonese.


Man lives to die
And dies to live
A dapper lawyer
The stalwart of justice
The slayer of apartheid
Apartheid left no mark on you
So tall, so handsome, so regal
You always were
With a straight head
And a kind heart
On Robben Island
Some tried to break your bones
But your indomitable spirit
Keep faith with your creed and humanity
Your smile is the diamond in your crown
You were the embodiment
Of goodness, greatness and gracefulness
You shall live on for eternity in the hearts
Of children, women and men
Your own children and grandchildren
And Graca Michel.